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Ep. 345 EMF Awareness: Impact and Protection Strategies with Juraj Kocar

Today, I have the honor of connecting with Juraj Kocar, the CEO of Somavedic Technologies. Somavedic is a groundbreaking frequency therapy device providing practical and easily accessible solutions for EMF exposure, improved sleep, and energy revitalization. 

Juraj is a perpetually optimistic and forward-thinking entrepreneur motivated by a profound passion for developing and expanding products that significantly impact the lives of others, and he is currently propelling his dream project to new levels of success. In our discussion today, we meticulously define the role of EMFs, diving into how they affect our health, discussing proactive protection measures, and sharing strategies for mitigating EMF exposure while traveling. We also explore how the revolutionary Somavedic device works, my experience using it, how to choose the correct model, the effects of structured water, and biohacking strategies that Juraj uses daily.

Join us for an enriching conversation where we provide valuable insights and practical strategies to enhance your health.


  • What are EMFs?

  • Juraj discusses the biological effects of chronic EMF exposure

  • How to protect yourself from or minimize the impact of EMF exposure

  • How to deal with EMF exposure when traveling

  • Juraj explains how the Somavedic technology works

  • What structured water is 

  • Why it is beneficial for us to drink structured water

  • Juraj discusses his daily health routine 

  • Strategies for improving your health

  • How to select the Somavedic device that best suits your needs


“The further we are from a source of EMFs, the less impacted we are. Each inch counts because the impact goes up or down exponentially with each inch of distance.”

-Juraj Kocar


Connect with Cynthia Thurlow  

Connect with Juraj Kocar


Cynthia Thurlow: [00:00:02] Welcome to Everyday Wellness podcast. I'm your host, Nurse Practitioner, Cynthia Thurlow. This podcast is designed to educate, empower, and inspire you to achieve your health and wellness goals. My goal and intent is to provide you with the best content and conversations from leaders in the health and wellness industry each week and impact over a million lives.

[00:00:30] Today, I had the honor of connecting with Juraj Kocar. He's the endless optimist and visionary entrepreneur, driven by a deep-seated passion for building and growing projects that have a profound impact on people's lives. He's the CEO of Somavedic Technologies, and he's currently leading his dream project to new heights. And if you're not familiar with Somavedic, it is a revolutionary frequency therapy device that offers a functional and widely accessible solution for EMF, better sleep and energy recovery. 

[00:01:01] Today, we carefully defined the role of EMFs as well as the impact of EMFs on our health, how we can proactively protect ourselves, strategies for addressing EMF exposure while traveling, how the Somavedic actually works, how I've been using it in my personal life, the impact of structured water, biohacking strategies that Juraj uses daily, and how to select the best model for your home. If you decide to go that route, I know you will enjoy this conversation as much as I did recording it.

[00:01:34] Welcome, Juraj. I've been really looking forward to this conversation. 

Juraj Kocar: [00:01:41] Hi, Cynthia. Thank you for having me. 

Cynthia Thurlow: [00:01:43] Yeah, absolutely. I think it's best if we start with the basics so help listeners understand what EMFs are and the biological impact of EMF exposure. Because since we cannot see EMFs, I think many people don't fully understand or appreciate their net impact on our health cumulatively. 

Juraj Kocar: [00:02:05] Sure, that's a great question. So, EMF stands for usually electromagnetic frequency. Sometimes it's electromagnetic radiation. But so on a high level, EMFs are these invisible waves that wireless devices communicate with each other. Just like now, we are having this conversation. And when you are using your cell phone, you’re surfing, calling someone, it's just communication between devices. And different devices emit different, let's say, strength of EMFs. The most significant EMF sources are, of course, cell phones, Wi-Fi, routers, BTS towers, Bluetooth devices. But all of this came into existence with the invention of electricity. So even the electricity and the wiring has some kind of magnetic field around it. But today, we'll be focusing on the biggest, strongest sources of EMF, which are those that I just mentioned. And so, these invisible waves of communication, they penetrate walls, floors, of course, our bodies, our cells, and everything. And this is not natural for our bodies to be in these kinds of environment, because when we think about that, before the invention of electricity, slightly above 100 years ago, there were no EMFs, of course, like man-made EMFs. 

[00:03:45] And there was a study, two professors, it was from 2015, they were measuring the levels of EMFs in that year compared to before the invention of electricity. And they found out that it's billion, billion times higher than when you are somewhere in the middle of jungle or where there are no EMFs, which means it is less than, or let's say it's 100 years, that's, I don't know, three generations. So, there is no way how our bodies could adapt to this exponential speed, how the EMFs were increasing. So for us, the environment in the cities is definitely not like a natural state to be in that's why we need to be conscious about it. 

Cynthia Thurlow: [00:04:38] Yeah, and it's interesting. I moved away from a part of Northern Virginia that had more data centers than anywhere else on the East Coast. And what was interesting to me when I was talking to patients about, as more and more data centers were being built, the net impact on sleep. And so, I very openly talk about the fact that I'm super sensitive to EMF. We actually bought a different house in the same neighborhood, and the differences in EMF-- and we had the house tested. We had a reputable company that came out. The differences explained why I was starting to have trouble sleeping. And if you understand that exposure can dysregulate a hormone called cortisol, as an example. It can help people understand that we want to make sure that our bedrooms are a sanctuary, that we're limiting the amount of radiation we're exposed to. 

[00:05:34] In my house, as an example, my husband and I both work from home, and we don't have Wi-Fi. We actually have Ethernet. So, we're dialed into the wall because it's more reliable. And sometimes people will ask, “Well, is that inconvenient?” And I said, “Well, no, I work from my computer, so it's really important that we have that accessibility.” But I think for individuals, as they're listening, I understand that we get exposure from power lines, cell phones, microwaves, Wi-Fi routers, etc. What are some of the biological effects? So, I kind of alluded to the fact that for me personally, when I'm exposed to too much external EMF, it'll impact my sleep quality. So if I go to my mother, who lives in a rural part of Maryland, I will have better quality sleep than when I sleep where I am now where there's no data centers, but I'm in a suburban area, but not as urban as where I was before. But help people understand what can be some of the biological effects of this over time, this chronic exposure. 

Juraj Kocar: [00:06:34] Yeah. So not many people are aware, I mean, very few of them are, that there are more than 25,000 peer-reviewed papers showing the various adverse effects on human cells, on animals, plants. But because this is such a controversial topic, and usually you don't feel the effects immediately, there's lots of, as obvious, money behind it's really hard to fight it. We have to do just awareness. I don't want to say the usual effect, but some of the effects are like, as you already mentioned, the disruption of sleep, because the Wi-Fi, for example, or when you have a cell phone close to your bed, to your head, it's interfering with your brainwaves, so you don't sleep that well. And we have to say that the sleep is the most precious time for our bodies, because it's doing the whole regeneration and recovery. 

[00:07:41] So if that is interrupted or we don't get in the long term, enough good sleep, it will surface into various unhealthy things or problems. So the disruption of sleep, the fertility with men is lower. Plants, for example, don't grow as much or they die. Irritation, people get, they are more stressed or anxious around strong EMF sources. Of course, this is what's happening, what people are experiencing. But on a biological level, the most cited study is that because of EMFs, the VGCC channel, the voltage gate calcium channels, they open that are around our cells, they open and let the calcium in, which basically is not a desirable thing, and is leading to increase of the levels of free radicals, which then causes oxidative stress. And oxidative stress causes the beat up of aging of the cells. 

Cynthia Thurlow: [00:08:56] Yeah. And it's interesting, the podcast that I actually published today was with a plastic surgeon, talking about ways to kind of ameliorate the aging process in a proactive way. And he talks about it from red light therapy all the way up to other types of modalities. And so, I think for everyone that's listening, helping them understand that it's the cumulative exposure over time. And I think for many people, they just assume as I get older, I'm tired, or I just didn't get enough sleep, so I'm cranky. And you just don't even realize that over time this can actually contribute to this. And certainly, some of the other things I read were like headaches and mood disorders. So, depression as another one or even fatigue. 

[00:09:38] And it's interesting, the World Health Organization in 2011 actually classified radio frequency EMFs as possibly carcinogenic and put them in a class with lead, formaldehyde, and diesel gas. And so, it gives you a sense that maybe people in the United States, there isn't enough awareness around this. But certainly, the World Health Organization for over a decade has been looking into this and has been concerned about it. You know certainly what are some of the things that we can do proactively to protect ourselves. Because you've alluded to the fact that having our cell phones in our bedrooms, many people and I have teenagers, so obviously I don't go to bed till the teenagers are home, but when they're home in the house, I put my phone into airplane mode. But what are some of the things that we can do proactively to protect ourselves or minimize the net impact of this exposure?

Juraj Kocar: [00:10:30] Yeah, so there are two main things that we can do. It's to lower the EMF, the actual EMF exposure, and then it's the distance. So further away we are from source of EMFs, the less impacted we are, because each inch counts, it's exponential. The impact goes exponentially up or exponentially down. So, it doubles with each inch or it goes down with each added inch of distance. So, it might seem like a small thing to do, but really each inch counts in terms of the distance from the EMF source. And then yes, turning off, as we discussed, the sleep, so turning off Wi-Fi router during the night, having the phone on the flight mode. When I'm on the phone, I got used to it that it's on loudspeaker. And I almost don't mind anywhere. Of course I don't want to interrupt other people, but I just lower down the volume a bit. But I'm used to just have the phone in front of me and then have a conversation. Trying to avoid wireless headphones, because this is especially important with, well, not only with the young generation, but especially with the young generation, because when you are on the phone, you're having a call for a certain like few minutes, but when are you listening to music, it's usually for much longer periods of time. It can be hours a day. 

[00:12:06] And when the wireless headphones communicate with each other, it goes directly through your brain. And the Bluetooth EMF levels are significant. So definitely trying to avoid wireless headphones, then wireless mouse, keyboards. There's only so much you can do because your neighbors can have Wi-Fis and everything. But again, the distance is important. So in everyday life, in everyday what we can do, this would be, I would say the most important things to do. And of course, not having your cell phone in your pocket or at least not in flight mode or not when your Bluetooth is on, data and Wi-Fi and everything. 

Cynthia Thurlow: [00:12:56] Yeah. What are your thoughts about travel? When we're on airplanes and we're just kind of bathed in forever, however many hours we're on a plane, are there things that you do proactively to lessen the impact when you're traveling? Because sometimes we don't have full control. When we're in our homes, it might be very different. But I know when I'm traveling, it's always kind of in the forefront of my mind, what are the things I need to do to offset what I've just been exposed to? 

Juraj Kocar: [00:13:20] Yeah. So, I try to ground like in the morning and in the evening, especially when I travel by plane and spend time on the airport. So especially then try to ground as much as possible. And then I take antioxidants, for example, the Carbon Elixir, the C60, which is the buckminsterfullerene, which is the strongest antioxidant. It's more than 100 times stronger than vitamin C. So, antioxidant and grounding. 

Cynthia Thurlow: [00:13:58] Yeah. It's interesting because when I was thinking about our conversation, that was something that really stood out because I would imagine maybe not during the pandemic, but pre-pandemic, post-pandemic, now that people are doing quite a bit more traveling. I feel like for me, between the exposure to the light in an airport or on an airplane, that in and of itself is incredibly stimulating. But I'm someone that if I'm tracking, for an example, data on my Oura Ring, my HRV depending on where I'm traveling to, can just get completely thrashed. Even if I have technically slept 8 hours between the altitude and the travel, my HRV will tank. And so, I know that there is multiple variables that are impacting why that's happening. Do you see that happen, because I know that you are someone that likes data. And if you don't have an Oura, you probably have something that's akin to it. Do you notice that when you travel that your HRV, your heart rate variability will be negatively impacted? 

Juraj Kocar: [00:15:00] Definitely. I do have Oura and tracking this. You know, usually when I'm traveling, it's Europe to US and back. So, lots of time zones, long flights, so there's definitely effect. But even when I’m traveling in the US, I could see the impact on the sleep on HRV. Yeah, so that's we try to do how to mitigate this. But Oura taught me not only this, but some other products as well, how the food and alcohol and everything is impacting our sleep. But that will be for a different discussion. 

Cynthia Thurlow: [00:15:39] Yeah. No, listeners definitely know I have never had a problem with drinking alcohol, but as a middle-aged person watching my deep sleep erode and so my REM sleep also impacted. So, I am a happy nondrinking individual and have been for many years. But for those of us that are data geeks and like to track the information you may notice when you travel that that changes quite a bit. So, let's talk about Somavedic and for full disclosure, I was initially gifted a device and I was completely open minded to it, but nearly instantaneously. And I can track this again on my Oura. So, I objectively can track this, my sleep quality improved, especially my deep sleep. And so, for listeners, let's talk a little bit about what Somavedic is, what the technology is, so that they can better understand how this helps negate the impact of our exposure to EMF therapies and frequencies. 

Juraj Kocar: [00:16:32] Yeah. Somavedic it's a frequency therapy, rest and recovery device. It looks like this. 

Cynthia Thurlow: [00:16:42] A little spaceship. 

Juraj Kocar: [00:16:44] Yes, like a UFO. [Cynthia laughs] That's the most common spaceship UFO, but some people call it lamp. But how it is different and what's unique about it, that inside of each Somavedic there are various precious stones and minerals and energy amplifiers and frequency therapy technology. So, it's sort of a combination with eastern approach to wellness, with western technology. And they work in correlation to amplify the frequencies and properties of the precious stones and minerals. So, they are creating this coherent field around the Somavedic, then helps our bodies to regenerate better and faster because the body is doing the healing. The Somavedic is just creating a supportive environment for the body to start these processes. But getting back 12 years when the Somavedic was founded and why? Because I'm the CEO, but a friend of mine is the inventor, and he was struggling with various health issues, like problems with pancreas and lupus and all of that. 

[00:18:04] And it was around 2010 when he realized that it's geopathic zones and EMFs that are causing this. Because he tried everything, nothing was working. And when he turned to Chinese and ayurvedic medicine and bioresonance devices, he was able to get good results, and he was able to heal himself. Then he started to help other people, like family and friends. That was helping as well. And eventually, he had this idea to make a product out of it that would help people around the world. So, this is what sparked the idea of Somavedic and this is how it came to be in April 2012. 

Cynthia Thurlow: [00:18:51] Yeah. It's really exciting, and maybe for the benefit of listeners, helping them understand. So, we have the autonomic nervous system. We have the sympathetic, which is the fight or flight. And then we have parasympathetic, which is this rest and repose side. And most of us in westernized societies spend far too much time being sympathetic dominant. We're constantly doing, we're constantly stressed. We're worried about the to-do list. And when we talk about coherence, it has an interrelationship with heart rate variability and finding balance between these two nervous systems in the body. It's not that one is good and one is bad. It's helping us understand that as we have all these advancements in technology that make our lives seemingly easier, we're getting farther and farther away from the natural biorhythms of our bodies. And so perhaps helping listeners understand what is coherence, and how does being around these devices help with this? For me, I would say objectively, I feel calm when I am in a parasympathetic state. And I think for a lot of individuals, their normal is they're just chronically stressed. And so that is where you will not be incoherent, your heart rate variability will not be balanced the way that it should be ideally. And so, I think this is an important concept for people to understand.

Juraj Kocar: [00:20:10] Yeah, definitely. So, as we discussed at the beginning, when you are in nature, you are in a natural, let's say, coherent environment. And when we are in cities and at homes, the technology interferes in that. So, we could exchange coherence, it is a good term, but we could exchange coherence for more natural environment, for example, that the Somavedic is creating coherent space. But at the same time, we could call it more natural environment, and because it was designed to mitigate the adverse effects of EMFs. But throughout the time, we sold more than 90,000 Somavedics around the world. And so, we have firsthand customer experience. And then the top benefits are, as you, I mean, you mentioned that it's the improvement of sleep. People have more energy during the day. Their brain fog is gone or is lowered significantly. Headaches are not as much, and people just feel more calm and in peace around the device. These are the top experiences people have. But at the same time, if you would go to our web page and read some testimonials, you would see that each person has a bit different experience. So that's why whatever, let's say, unalignment or problems there are in the bodies, when you get into more coherent, more natural environment, it tries to repair that and get into homeostasis and coherence. So that's why people are experiencing it differently and it works different on individual. 

Cynthia Thurlow: [00:22:11] Well, and I love that, it kind of follows along with theme that I think is important, bio-individuality rules. So, for each one of us, we may need different levels of support. And so, I know that some of the devices are able to help support water. And so, let's talk a little bit about structured water, what that is, why that's beneficial and specifically, I know it's not to every device that Somavedic has, but specific ones will actually impact your water. 

Juraj Kocar: [00:22:40] Yeah, so that's a great question. So, we have called Somavedic vedic. It's our bestseller. It's the most versatile unit we have. If you don't know which one to go for, that would be the one. And it's also structuring water. That means you just place a jug of water next to it. And the same field that is working with our bodies and even plants and animals, is affecting the structure of the water. And in about 15 to 20 minutes, the water will be structured. And this means that if you would freeze the water crystal, you would see a very nice, very beautiful shape, like a symmetric, geometric, it would look like a snowflake. When a water is not structured, you don't see a pattern there. It's really chaotic. But why is this important is that in our bodies, in our cells, there's only, like, structured water. So, it's the most natural state of water we can drink. It's the most bioavailable state, so it provides better hydration for our bodies if you drink structured water, and currently we cannot get structured water, you cannot buy it, because the environment, water has memory and the environment is affecting the structure of the water. 

[00:24:05] So, there is no structured water in tap water, in plastic bottles, in glass bottles. You have to structure it with a device, with a Somavedic, for example, but there are different ways. When you vortex, like spin the water, that makes it structured. This is how the water gets structured in nature, in flowing rivers. But some people might not be aware. But you can also structure water just with your hands and with your thoughts, because there's a usefully famous Japanese scientist, Masaru Emoto, and he was the first one who brought to the mainstream this concept of structured water and how our emotions impact the water. So, you can also take a glass of water and just feeling nice things towards it, and after a few minutes, you could definitely feel the difference. 

Cynthia Thurlow: [00:25:02] Well, and I find this science actually really interesting because again, I go back to many people, unless they can physically see it, they don't necessarily understand that there's this complex in a relationship with different types of water. And here in the United States, I'm a huge proponent of testing your water to figure out what you need to filter out, because different municipalities, different states have different problems with their water. And then on top of it, if you're taking it another level, is thinking about the structured water. Now, I know that you are a fan of biohacking obviously. What are some of the things that you do in your day, strategies you use in your day that are beneficial for supporting health? I know intermittent fasting plays a role, which of course I loved hearing about. But what are some of the things that you do day to day versus perhaps when you're traveling and you don't have as much control over your schedule as you do at home? 

Juraj Kocar: [00:25:58] Yeah, so that's a great question. So yes, intermittent fasting is something I try to do or I'm doing on everyday basis. Usually it's 14:10, sometimes it's 16:8. But usually it's 14:10 for me, then grounding, then the red light therapy. I just bought my wife red light therapy panels and a personal sauna, like a bag from Bond Charge. It's a company that I really like. So, I have some products from BioLite and Bond Charge that I use a few times a week. And I try to go to sleep before 11. Usually, it's 10:00, 10:30. And yeah, I'm trying to avoid like sugar and dairy and just the basic things. But throughout the time I have found out that the simpler things I'm doing the better. I cut off lots of supplements and all of high-end things. And I'm just narrowing it down to very simple things. 

Cynthia Thurlow: [00:27:02] Yeah. Because I think it becomes very overwhelming. And obviously I have a broad range of guests that come on. And I love to ask what is your personal philosophy about-- what are your things that you do every day to support your health? And I think we really have to think of it from a macro level that what are the strategies that have the most impact that don't require us necessarily to have to purchase a lot of things. And I too have gone through stages where I've been on a lot of supplements, now scaling back tremendously because you do get to a point where you're on supplement fatigue. There's definitely things I do for sleep that are non-negotiables and for stress. But I love the infrared sauna, red light therapy. I think all those. Actually Vanessa Spina, who lives in Prague, I have her red light therapy device and for me it was really interesting. I have a son who had some breakouts and we had him doing red light therapy. I had gotten bit by a couple of bugs over the summer and the amount of speed with which things healed using red light therapy devices to me was really fascinating. And so, when you're thinking about the nutrition piece you mentioned, you do some intermittent fasting, you try to avoid sugar and dairy. Is protein a big focus of your diet or is it more plant related in terms of your macro composition? 

Juraj Kocar: [00:28:17] So there was a time how I was involved or started with Somavedic. And in 2012, I was struggling quite significantly with my health. I was like 200 pounds, cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, brain fog and almost every day for more than two years. I was looking forward when I go to bed in the evening. But soon I realized this is not life, that during the day you are already thinking like I want just looking forward to when there will be night and laying in the bed. So, I tried all of the supplements, like everything. But at that time, changed everything for me and saved my life, was when I switched to raw vegan diet. But of course, I have to say that when I was studying at the university, I was partying, had lot of alcohol, like everything throughout almost every other day throughout six years. It was a lifestyle thing. So, it was not normal. The body was not in a good shape. But then I switched to raw vegan and all of the symptoms were gone in about four months that I was struggling with.

[00:29:42] Then I had the adaptation phase for more than a year. I lost really, really skinny to the bone. Then I went back. But now I eat meat, ideally organic, don't drink that much like milk, so I like fish and all of that. But there was a time when certain diets helped me to get out of my biggest health problems. And I have to say that it was not only the diet, but it was also enema. Is it the correct word. 

Cynthia Thurlow: [00:30:20] Enema? Mm.

Juraj Kocar: [00:30:19] Enemas, yes. So coffee enemas, water enemas, and all of that. Because at that time, I had a girlfriend, and she was struggling with acne on her shoulders and a bit on her back for the last, like, 15 years, not much, but you know how it is. She wanted to be beautiful, which is okay and everything, so she wanted to get rid of it. And when I tried to do the enemas and everything, she saw that it's helping, and she said, “I would never do that.” But after about two months, [Cynthia laughs] she tried it and she sticked with it for about three months, and her skin was super clean and healed. And for her, and even for me, that was really significant to see because she was struggling with it for 15 years, and in few months, it was gone just to clean body. So that's a long way around about the diet. 

Cynthia Thurlow: [00:31:24] Yeah. No, it's interesting and I think I've spoken on the podcast before that. There was a point probably about 10 years ago where my mercury levels in my body were really high, and the functional medicine person I was working with, who is a very good friend, gave me options. We can do chelation therapy, but if you really want to think about a different way to address it that's a little less toxic, we could do coffee enemas. And I remember buying the kit and looking at it for probably a month, and then once I started using the coffee enemas, it was several times a week for six months, I had cleared all of the mercury out of my body. And it was such a significant change from where my levels were to where they ended up, that I was presented as part of a paper to a group of functional medicine doctors. For those that are listening and are thinking, “Oh, my gosh, I would never do that.” There can be a very therapeutic way to use coffee enemas. I don't do them anymore. 

[00:32:14] But I did find for that period of time, once I wrapped my head around what I was doing, that not only did you get a lot of benefit out of it, but it was much less toxic than going the route of chelation therapy, which for anyone that's listening, when you have heavy metals, chelation therapy can be tough to tolerate and can involve quite a bit of medications that can make you feel pretty crummy. Well, let's kind of circle back to Somavedic, because I think this would kind of tie up our conversation really well. You mentioned there's different types of devices, so if someone goes to the website and they're interested in purchasing their first device, what are some of the things they need to look for to select the right device for them and their environment. 

Juraj Kocar: [00:32:55] Yeah. So, as I already mentioned, we have the go-to model, that would be the green one, which is strong enough to mitigate the effects of 5G and is also structuring the water. And more than 70% of our customers buy that one. And that's the most versatile one that I would suggest everyone to be there first. If someone would like to have something stronger, then we have the Amber model that was designed for city centers and corporate buildings, or office buildings, or 5G, when you have lots of 5G towers around. So that one is much stronger, but it has a different kind of energy. The green one, the Vedic, it's creating this coherent field, but its field is sort of like more penetrating. And let's say it shakes with you a bit. Then again, it brings you this calm and benefits and everything. Where the Amber is more subtle, even though it's stronger, the energy is more subtle. So, if you're on a budget, I would go with Sky on the site. 

Cynthia Thurlow: [00:34:07] What would be your recommendation if you wanted to have a device in your bedroom? And I might be asking selfishly for my own information, because I do think it would beneficial to have one in my bedroom in particular. 

Juraj Kocar: [00:34:17] Yeah. So for first time Somavedic users, we don't recommend placing Somavedic in the bedroom. 


Juraj Kocar: [00:34:24] The main thing is that it takes a few days to adapt to the field. And what's also interesting to mention is that before starting to working for Somavedic and became the CEO, I visited people that had Somavedics, like lots of them, because they were distributors and everything, they had lots of Somavedics around. But when I brought one Somavedic, my personal, to my home and plugged it in, that's when I felt the biggest difference. And for example, my jaw felt like there's like electricity, was buzzing for a while. And my partner, she felt like heat on her chest, which was like a pleasant one. So, each person is experiencing it a bit differently. But there are about 20% to 30% of people that experience some kind of detox, like headaches, just for a few minutes or for an hour or so, like slight headaches. Or I know of some friends that they had to run toilet like a couple of times a day. So that's why when someone wants to have a Somavedic in the bedroom, that's fine. But I would suggest it after the first week. And because it's quite bright, great to cover it with the box that it came in or with a cloth because it has a room temperature, so it's safe to cover it. 

Cynthia Thurlow: [00:35:52] Yeah. And then also for travel, I know there are some options for traveling. This is, again, selfishly, I'm asking this question because for me, I notice how much my HRV is impacted depending on where I'm traveling to. So, if someone wants something small and discreet, what are their options? 

Juraj Kocar: [00:36:09] So in that case, it would be the Harmony, which is a much smaller unit. You still have to plug it in, in the USB to get the full potential out of it, full efficacy, it needs to be plugged in. But because of the principle of the Somavedic, it's working even when it's not plugged in, it has about like 50%, 60% efficacy. So, because of the gemstones and minerals and energy amplifiers. So for travelers, it would be the Harmony. And if you want something in your pocket, then we have the tiny, but you have to have a Somavedic in order for tiny to work because you have to charge it during the night. 

Cynthia Thurlow: [00:36:51] So interesting. Well, this has been a great discussion. I know one that my listeners will find really invaluable. Please let my community know how to connect with you on social media, how to learn more information about the Somavedic. 

Juraj Kocar: [00:37:05] Yes. So, our Instagram handle is @somavedic_official. We are on website and if they have any questions or if they would like to reach out directly to me, it's It is actually like my personal email. 

Cynthia Thurlow: [00:37:24] Well, I love that. And the one thing that I want to emphasize just objectively, for me there's been such a marked change in not only stress levels, but sleep quality, that it was an easy decision to bring you on the podcast because I love sharing things that I find to be invaluable to my health. 

Juraj Kocar: [00:37:41] Yeah. Thank you for the invitation. Thank you for sharing your experience. There is one last thing that we didn't mention. So, we have 60-day money back guarantee on each of our products. That means it's basically risk free to try it out. And if you're not happy with it, within two months, you can send it back and we'll give you a full refund. So, I would definitely encourage people to experience it. 

Cynthia Thurlow: [00:38:08] Absolutely. And that's something that I think is really important because it really speaks to the integrity of your business. And that's something that's in alignment with my own business that we really want to make sure that things that we share are things that we ourselves genuinely enjoy and find invaluable. 

Juraj Kocar: [00:38:23] Yeah.

Cynthia Thurlow: [00:38:26] If you love this podcast episode, please leave a rating and review, subscribe and tell a friend.


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